Slow Jam

There is a rhythm to this day. It’s a nice slow jam. It’s waking up in a cocoon and lingering in warmth, Alexa still playing our ocean wave sleep sounds. It’s belly breathing 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4 5 6… It’s hot lemon water and cinnamon. It’s 2 layers and wool socks. It’s high tide and lapping waves filling the crisp air with whoosh and swoosh and repeatedly lifting and lowering the drift of swans in a graceful dance. It’s cold juice and hot soup. It’s sunlight stretching it’s fingers through the blinds and landing on my lap. It’s the slow looping and pulling of my N hook on super bulky yarn. One more round and I’ll accept the invitation of that pile of pillows and afghans. Yes, today is a slow jam and I’ll gladly get stuck in this groove. Playlist set. Eyes closing.