Sunday… happened.?
I feel like I slept all of yesterday. And to a certain extent, that’s the truth. Yesterday was a day of both actual sleep and that weird place right before or after where dreams and…
I feel like I slept all of yesterday. And to a certain extent, that’s the truth. Yesterday was a day of both actual sleep and that weird place right before or after where dreams and…
When you meet the Mama that made your lasagna and she kisses your head, you know you’ve received a blessing…
I will find a piece of pumpkin pie today. I will close my eyes and sing happy birthday, smiling through tears. Missing my favorite turkey-birthday girl. It seems right to share these words today, words…
I’m knee deep in CHS colored stitches (For boys & girls )
Sunday soup was a no-go. I was feeling nappish and succumbed to my cozy corner of the couch. Today was the day for roasting tomatoes & aromatic friends, garlic & shallot; for a slow simmer…